Chandler, Arizona

  (480) 390-8893

  Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm


Pest Detail

Important facts and information about the most common pests in Arizona. Chandler Pest Control can handle them all. It's why the last word in our name is "Control."


Watch your step!


Scorpions are predators that feed primarily on other insects. They crawl into buildings through exterior cracks in search of food of suitable shelter. Once inside, they may wander into clothing, shoes, or a bed if the bedding is touching the floor. A common injury with scorpions is stepping on them in your bare feet.  Be aware of the floor and ground in front of you when not wearing shoes, and you will avoid a potentially painful sting on the bottom of your foot.

Tips for Control - To reduce scorpions around a home, eliminate piles of items or debris on the ground, and keep dense vegetation to a minimum. When a home is chronically invaded by these arthropods, it is best to seek the services of the professionals at Chandler Pest Control.


A cereal killer we can stop!


This slender, flattened brown beetle measures 2 to 3 mm (1/10") in length and features 6 tooth-like projections on its midsection.

It commonly inhabits stored products such as grains, cereals, and packaged goods.


Tips for Control - Although it is not a health risk, a grain beetle infestation can foster the growth of destructive molds. Keeping food dry and tightly sealed will reduce likelihood of grain beetles gaining a foothold in your cupboards or food storage areas.

Carpenter Ant

This carpenter builds things you don't want!


Carpenter ants can cause structural damage to wooden building components and spread disease-causing germs to foodstuffs.

Black or black-with-red in color, these insects measure between 3 and 12 mm (1/8" to 1/2") in length, and reproductive members of their colonies are winged. Swarms of reproductive ants can often be seen in May and June as they migrate to establish new colonies. Eliminating moisture-collecting areas in and around your home, as well as isolating wood from direct contact with the soil, will help reduce the risk of carpenter ants.

Black Widow Spider

This woman prefers to be alone.


Due to feeding off of other insects, including harmful ones, spiders are considered beneficial. But their webs are a nuisance, and spider bites can be painful or dangerous to humans.


Black Widow spiders in particular can be identified by their distinctive red or orange "hour glass" body marking.  They are often found underneath seldomly used or unused patio furniture and structures, where it is undisturbed, dark or damp.

Tips for Control - Controlling spiders begins with reducing their food supply: proper sanitation and control of other insect species will eliminate most spider problems. Regular vacuuming and sweeping of infrequently used spaces such as storage areas, crawl spaces, and attics will also help.

Wolf Spider

Baby got back!


See "Black Widow Spider" above for general information.


The Wolf Spider is notorious for carrying its babies on its back. Striking this pest could result in the disturbance and scattering of the babies all over the spider's surrounding area.  

If this pest is an immediate threat or intrusion, you can try the "plate and cup" method to capture it and carry it safely outside. Put a cup over the pest, then slide a paper plate under the cup and hold them tightly together, walking carefully to transport outside. However, it is best to contact the experts at Chandler Pest Control to manage this potentially dangerous intruder.

Stink Bug

It stinks to have to deal with this pest - let Chandler Pest Control do it!


The "Stink Bug" or Darkling Ground Beetle - Body is oval, shiny and black, sometimes with reddish areas. Forewings fused and flightless. Runs with rear end raised 45 degrees; sprays foul-smelling secretion if disturbed. Mainly nocturnal.

Africanized Honey Bee (AHB)

This guy flew a long way to get here with his buddies, and he's mad.


Characteristics - Size: About 1/2-inch in length. Color: Golden-yellow with darker bands of brown. Some specimens appear a darker brown than others.

Behavior: Africanized honeybees (AHB) are actually a subspecies of the European honeybee, and the two look exactly the same. Only an expert making numerous microscopic measurements can tell the two apart. The difference, however, becomes readily apparent in the aggressiveness of the AHB when its colony is disturbed, lending to its nickname "killer bees." Never attempt to treat such nests without the proper training and equipment.


Unlike a bee, a wasp can sting unlimited times and not die!


Because of their painful sting, which can be deadly to certain allergic individuals, wasps should be dealt with promptly whenever they establish a colony on or near homes or buildings. These colonies can typically be found in ball-like, paper structures attached to verandahs, eaves, trees, or shrubs. Occasionally, wasps build their nests inside attics or walls where holes or cracks open to the outside.


Tips for Control - Wasps are attracted to fresh fruit and juices, so removing fallen fruit from around fruit trees and keeping refuse containers tightly closed will reduce their presence and discourage new colonies.

Yellowjacket Wasp

The big bad cousin of the wasp!


Yellowjackets can nest in wall voids, attics, in trees and shrubs, or in the ground. They are social insects. They have a worker caste that cares for the young and forages for food. Adult yellowjackets will feed on fruit and nectar from plants while the larvae are fed insects or carrion.

Roach or Cockroach

La Cucaracha! This guy can survive a nuclear war!


The hardiest and most adaptable of insects, roaches can be found wherever moisture, food, and shelter are available, even in the cleanest of homes. Known to travel through a variety of habitats including sewers and refuse, cockroaches are capable of spreading a number of diseases.

They are light brown with a flattened oval body and typically measure 20 mm (3/4") when fully grown.

Tips for Control - By keeping food storage areas clean and dry, and foodstuffs tightly sealed, you can reduce the likelihood of cockroach infestation.